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Martin Lukáč (*1991)
je slovenský maliar žijúci v Prahe. V rokoch 2009 – 2013 študoval v ateliéri súčasného obrazu na Fakulte Umení TUKE v Košiciach. Svoje vzdelanie ďalej rozvíjal na prestížnych univerzitách v Prahe a Lipsku. Časom sa stal laureátom viacerých ocenení, ako napríklad Cena kritiky za mladú maľbu (2016). Jeho diela sú žiadané v galériách mnohých krajín. Lukáčove obrazy sú charakteristické nespútanou maliarskou živelnosťou a neustálym hľadaním expresívneho autorského gesta na pozadí vtipu často súvisiaceho s figurálnymi námetmi.
Abstraktné formy sa v jeho najnovších prácach často vynorujú z podkladu náhle či postupne, každopádne z kontrastne bieleho povrchu, ktorý si so sebou v maliarskom svete nesie prídomok nedokončený či podkladový.
Oprostený od priameho zobrazovania sa Lukáč pohybuje v rovine asociácií na odkazy vizuálnej kultúry, symbolov, objektov, vysokého a nízkeho umenia, ale i produktov a ich značiek. Podobne ako country hudba so sebou nesie istú emóciu bez ohľadu na svoj kontakt s komerciou. Neobáva sa jej ani ju nezatracuje, skôr prijíma čo ho zaujme a na základe obojstranného záujmu sa s ňou prelína.
Dôležitá pre neho je dynamika a energia, ktorá sa objavuje nielen v maliarskom geste ale mimo neho vo svete športu a telesnej zdatnosti, ktorú pestuje. Aj samotný úvodný motív piesne odkazuje na istú formu energie, nadšenia alebo lásky, ktorú autor vníma ako esenciálny náboj tvorby.
Jana Babušiaková
Martin Lukáč (1989, Pieštany, Slovakia)
is living and working in Prague. He graduated from the Technical University of Košice with a BA in Fine Arts in 2013 and received a Master’s degree in Painting from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague in 2016. He was a guest student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 2014 and at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig in 2015. His works have been shown in solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe and North America and are part of numerous private and public collections. In 2018 he was in Brussels, and in 2019 in Los Angeles for an artist residency program.
Martin Lukáč, a young painter of Slovakian origin living in Prague, is no stranger to international audiences. His paintings have been shown in solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe and North America (London, Berlin, New York City, Los Angeles), and now in Hungary.
Lukáč’s painting is the expression of a liberated, intuitive creative process. His paintings are reminiscent of the abstract, expressive masters, but also have the freedom of graffiti artists and elements of pop culture. For him, painting is a way of being, the process of creation, its essence, the sensual capture of the moment, in his paintings, which are bursting with motifs and colours. His paintings come to life like strange characters from the world of comic books, his amorphous forms, painted in vibrant, vivid colours, springing out of backgrounds full of free-flowing lines, like automatic punctuation marks.
Lukáč often thinks in serieses, using a motif several times, which he then systematically repeats in his canvases in different variations until he exhausts them. Repetition and the reduction of forms not only define Lukáč’s art formare also fundamental to his practice. His chosen motifs are not only the subject of his paintings, but also, through their repetition, he transcends them, ultimately acting as a medium for painting.
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